SFD - Stems Floral Design
SFD stands for Stems Floral Design
Here you will find, what does SFD stand for in Event Management under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Stems Floral Design? Stems Floral Design can be abbreviated as SFD What does SFD stand for? SFD stands for Stems Floral Design. What does Stems Floral Design mean?The Event Management company falls under events services category and is located in Austin, Texas.
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Alternative definitions of SFD
- Sanford Fire Department
- Single Family Dwelling
- Start Frame Delimiter
- Start Of Frame Delimiter
- San Fernando de Apure, Venezuela
- Stacking Fault Density
- Society of Film Distributors
- Seed File Directory
View 86 other definitions of SFD on the main acronym page
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- SRCTL SRC Transatlantic Limited
- SGC Solid Ground Consulting
- SLS Service Line Solutions
- SMAG Straub Medical AG
- STL Sky Trading LLC
- SEPSA Swede Energy Power Solutions Ab
- SML Synergistic Marketing LLC
- SWA Smart With Art
- SNS Sumac Nonprofit Software
- SMHL Sutton Mcgrath Hartley Ltd
- STS Safety Technical Services
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